All posts by hudsonhead


Meet Lola

But it’s better than As you can see from the picture on the left taken at the lot, she had no clue what was happening to her. This young lady is 8 months old pulled from a kill pen with Angel.

Sadly, like many coming from the pens, Ms Lola has pneumonia. So lots of medicine and treatment for her. And boy does she need some groceries! So if you want to help provide for her vet and feed bills, then please donate. 

This little lady will be with us for a bit as she needs a lot of work before she is ready for her forever home. But if you are interested in being her forever home, then let us know.

UPDATE: Lola has passed medical clearance and has begun her training. For now, it is halter and people trust training. Also starting to work on lifting legs so we can start hooves. She is fully vaccinated and has her noggins.

She now lives in Texas with a great family and their donkey named Milly.

Layla Rose Ranch


Meet Angel

Angel’s owner had a pasture full of horses. For some
reason, we he died he had placed in his will to send the horses to a direct ship lot (better known as a kill pen.) Evidently, he did not want anyone to have his horses.

These horses are wild for sure. Not used to humans or touch and very scared. Angel (named by one of our donors) was pregnant when we pulled her out (as you can see in the picture). And she had her baby 4 days later.

Angel will have a long journey ahead. We will have to start her as a wild horse. But she will be a good horse ready for her forever home soon. 


Follow her story on Tik Tok.







UPDATE on Iron Pebble

The colt, named Iron Pebble, has had a rough start. Mama had pneumoni, was malnourished and never vaccinated. So baby was born with several abscesses in his lungs and his arteries never fully developed. We were not able to get an IV in for medicine becasue of his veins and had to try as much medicine as we could. Sadly, after 10 days, one of the accesses broke free and quickly spread thoruogh his body. Catherine sat with his head on her lap for 3 hours and then he got up and gave her a kiss, went over to say bye to his momma and then laid down for the last time.

We are grateful for the 10 days he got to sodden on this Earth with us. It was 10 more days than he would have had otherwise.




Meet Boomerang                   

His mama died when he was 6 weeks old and the owner didn’t want to take care of him, so Boomerang ended up in a kill pen in Arkansas. When we picked him up, it was obvious he had a lot off issues. So we took him straight to our vet. Sure enough, he had an ulcer in the right eye, pink eye in both eyes and a massive amount of worms in his belly. Boomerang was our first colt rescue. We have never seen such a depressed horse. He barely moved and his eyes were so sad – filled with hopelessness. Thankfully, our followers and supporters responded and we were able to keep him in quarantined 24-hour care for his first 10 days.  

The result? He recovered nicely…


And found his forever home in California! And he has some new friends.  


Meet Dixie

Sometimes we get to the horse before they get in real bad shape as is the case with Ms Dixie. As you can see, her owner moved and was not able to see her but a couple of times a month. Credit to the owner, who relied they could not take care of her and contacted us before she got bad.

She looks lot better after a clean up 🙂


Meet Midnight

Our 3rd Tennessee Walker to rescue, Midnight was not as much of a hard luck story as many of our horses. His owner, realizing he could not longer afford to care for him, contacted us. We gave the owner some money to help cover the debt acquired from owning horses and brought Midnight into our care.

He has been described as a gentle giant. He stands tall when alert. While he was not a victim of abuse, he had been a pasture

dweller for several years. The owner told us he was 5, but we could tell when we arrived (by looking at his teeth) he was much older. Sometimes owners fear will will not take them if they are “old.” As you can see from his rescue pic above, he was not getting any loving care.

Upon his first medical exam, we confirmed his age and had his teeth floated. He has been on a joint supplement with hisgrain everyday. While he is slow to trust and is head shy, he does stand patient for a ferrier. We always have their hooves inspected and trimmed as part of the regular care.



After a series of ground work sessions, we got him under saddle. and he exhibits clambehavior. We even put one of our daughter son him to show his demeanor.

Midnight is ready for his forever home. Click Here to Adopt



We sometimes let our followers name the rescue, but Buddy chose his own name. We got suggestions from you and then asked him what he thought and here was his answer….

This poor guy showed serious signs of abuse. It was obvious he had been struck many times – and one time across his head over the eye – which left his eye like you see below. While he got some light into the eye, he could not see any images And so people gave up on him because he is now half-blind and “no-good.” We got him from the kill pen in Bowie, TX.


Buddy had developed pneumonia in the kill pen from being crammed in with the other horses. It was a long, slow process. It took 2 months to get Buddy back to health before he could take on his eye surgery. As you can see in the picture above, his eye constantly oozed and was a fly trap. It was miserable for him. So the eye had to come out.

And thanks to our follower’s generosity, his $1,500 surgery was almost completely covered.

Look at Me Now!

Buddy’s eye surgery was successful and we have been working with him to learn how to adapt to his new life with one eye. Obviously, trust was a big thing with Buddy. We could tell that it was a male that abused hime since he slowly began to let the girls get near him, but never a male.

Finally, we got him to trust even a male. And began his ground work eventually getting him under saddle. He has stayed gentle and even allows the younger one to to ride.

Buddy is ready for his forever home.

Click Here to Fill out an Adoption Application