
We would love for you to volunteer at our rescue. But, just like we are very careful and particular in selecting the right person to adopt, we do the same for our volunteers. The role of volunteer is very important to us – in fact – we do not call you a volunteer, but rather an Ambassador.

We use this term to represent your commitment to serving the horses as their advocate, caregiver, and friend. Those traits are what make up a Layla Rose Ranch Ambassador.

If you want to be an Ambassador, here are a few things you need to know:

  • Under 17, must serve with a parent or adult. (yes, the pictures are our daughters working with us.)
  • Lots of Ambassador is dirty work and involves manual labor like mucking stalls and cleaning the barn, etc.
  • Ambassadors serve on a schedule. (Meaning you must schedule your time in advance please.)
    • Our normal rhythm for Ambassadors is built around the horses feeding schedule.
    • 8:30am in the mornings and 4:40pm in the afternoons daily.
    • Some time slots are reserved for other work and not available for Ambassadors.



Then complete the Ambassador Application.

Once completed and approved, you will have to sign our Ambassador Release Forms.

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