
Meet Lola
But it’s better than As you can see from the picture on the left taken at the lot, she had no clue what was happening to her. This young lady is 8 months old pulled from a kill pen with Angel.
Sadly, like many coming from the pens, Ms Lola has pneumonia. So lots of medicine and treatment for her. And boy does she need some groceries! So if you want to help provide for her vet and feed bills, then please donate.
This little lady will be with us for a bit as she needs a lot of work before she is ready for her forever home. But if you are interested in being her forever home, then let us know.
UPDATE: Lola has passed medical clearance and has begun her training. For now, it is halter and people trust training. Also starting to work on lifting legs so we can start hooves. She is fully vaccinated and has her noggins.
She now lives in Texas with a great family and their donkey named Milly.